Mar 14, 2023
car broken down due to bad driving habits

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget how much responsibility comes with driving. You have to be on the lookout for other vehicles, pedestrians, and any obstacles in your environment. Plus, you’re responsible for keeping your vehicle in top shape, so everything runs smoothly. 

Sadly, many drivers don’t care about the status of their cars as long as they can get from point A to point B. Running over speed bumps at high speeds, using their sedan as a tow truck, slamming the brakes, and not using signal lights when turning are things a responsible driver shouldn’t do. 

Also, it can’t be stressed enough that people who do not pay attention to how they drive can put others on the road in real danger and wreck their vehicles. 

Below, we’ll talk about a few bad driving habits and how they could damage your car. 

Driving Out Of Focus

If you’re driving without focus, you are at risk of causing an accident. The most common way that can get you into a car crash is by not paying attention to the road. This can happen when you’re trying to do something else, like using your cell phone or having deep thoughts. 

There is a good chance that important road signs will go unnoticed by your eyes if you are out of focus while behind the wheel. You may miss them completely or only see them after it’s too late for action. One example is seeing an upcoming stop sign when it’s too late to brake without skidding into another vehicle or hitting another object in front of your car, like a tree or fire hydrant.

Failing To Use Signal Lights

You might think that signal lights are not that big of a deal, but they’re actually quite important. They help other drivers know what you are doing, and if they don’t see your signal lights while they’re trying to drive through an intersection or make a turn, it can get them into an accident with your car. 

The good news? You can avoid such accidents by using the appropriate signals every time you change lanes or turn at an intersection, so everyone on the road knows where you are going.

Slamming On The Brakes

Driving too close to a car in front of you is rude and can be dangerous for you and another driver. If they slow down or make a complete stop for some reason, you might lack the time for a proper reaction, which could lead to the brake pedal being hit hard. 

Doing this often produces unnecessary wear and tear on your car’s brake pads which causes them to degrade faster than normal. To avoid this, always keep a good stopping distance between you and other cars and drive within the speed limit.

Hitting Speed Bumps And Potholes

Hitting speed bumps and potholes is one of those bad habits you should let go of. While avoiding these obstacles on the road is impossible, you can reduce the damage they do by paying attention to them as you drive. 

If there’s a large pothole or speed bump in your path, slow down before hitting it and then accelerate after passing over it. This will prevent sudden jolts that can cause damage to your car’s suspension system and tires.

Overloading Your Car

Overloading your car is a common mistake that many drivers make. When you overload your vehicle, it puts premature wear and tear on its components because of all the extra weight it’s not supposed to have. This can affect the braking and steering systems in addition to increasing fuel consumption. 

The best way to avoid this problem is by taking an inventory of what you need before every trip and only packing those items into the car. 

Also, if your car is not big enough, like an SUV, do not use it as a tow truck, as its parts can get damaged from pulling something heavy. It wouldn’t hurt to read the manual that came with your car so you will know the weight limit your vehicle can handle and if it can tow stuff.

Ignoring Warning Lights

You might be driving along and seeing your car’s dashboard has various warning lights. You may be tempted to ignore them and keep driving, but doing so could cause serious damage to your vehicle. 

For example, under normal driving conditions, the check engine light indicator will not light up on your dashboard unless your car detects that there is something wrong with its engine. Neglecting this warning is an accident waiting to happen, as a malfunctioning engine on a busy highway can be deadly for you and others. 

If you notice any warning lights on your car’s dashboard, pull over as soon as it’s safe to do so and look at what they mean before continuing with your journey. Being mindful of your car’s needs will have it running nicely for a long time.

Neglecting Scheduled Maintenance

Regular maintenance is an important part of owning a car. If you ignore your vehicle’s scheduled maintenance, your car may experience problems on the road, which could get you in trouble. 

For example, if a belt breaks due to excessive wear because it wasn’t replaced at its recommended interval, this can cause major damage to other parts of your engine or transmission. It also means that those repairs will cost more than they would have if they’d been taken care of immediately.

Final Thoughts

The above are just some of the many bad driving habits to avoid. Do remember that careless acts on the road, such as aggressive driving, texting while driving, and driving under the influence of alcohol, are not allowed by the authorities, and committing them could get you a hefty fine or a night behind bars. 

Staying away from the above mistakes can save you a lot of trouble, and your car will be road-worthy for a long time. And if you need any car checkups, maintenance, or repairs for your Acura, visit us at Criswell in Baltimore to get the best service and price on parts.